Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend in Shelbey.....

Alright, I hit the enter key again. Make a long story short or shortish, the weekend was loads of fun! There that is all you I'm kidding. I have nothing else to do right now, so I shall continue on. Well, on Thursday we went out and looked at apartments and fell in love with one that we looked at. Yeah, how on earth can you fall in love with one eh? Dont ask me, it's just a figure of speech. Anyway, it would be awesome if we get into that place by the end of this week. Here's hoping! Shawna went to work that night and I went over to the Jacobsen's as arranged. Everyone is asleep by then anyway. In the morning I slept in to late (6:45am) so had to make my bed and rush out the door and walk to Shawna's place where I packed for the weekend and waited for Shawna to get ready. We then proceeded to drive about 4 hours and stopped in to see an aunt in the hospital, then continued on for about an hour or so and went to see one of the many cousins that Shawna has. No joke, I think all Montana is inhabited by Benjamins. Anyway, stayed out at her grandparents house, went out shooting with the guys on Saturday, and out to dinner that night. Was a shaperone on Friday night (not that I was worried) and went on a "triple" date Saturday night, ha ha. Sunday went to meeting and met more of the family, had lunch and then drove home singing and talking. Now it's back to job hunting and looking for apartments or hopefully getting into that one that we looked at. Since this next weekend is valentines day I will most likely be hanging by myself (which isnt to bad, since I wouldn't have a date an' all). I'll think of something to do :D. Other then that, my cell phone had no reception out on the farm, so if you tried to call me that is why I didn't get back to you. Well, hope everyone is doing spiffing, I will catch up later....
~In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight!!!"


The Oilsgal said...

Sounds like you are having fun in Montana! I am glad you are. Hope you get into the appartment you want!

Shawna said...

There is going to be a quiz later on all the Benjamin relatives that you met this weekend :)If you pass, you get to meet more, if you dont pass... well you will probably meet more anyways.