Thursday, January 29, 2009


I haven't written for seems like a long time, but only since last Saturday. This week has been so busy and it's not getting any slower in the next few days. So, dentist, glasses, hair, hopefully get my tea, and yeah...just spending time with family and friends. Still have to pack--but it really shouldn't be that hard. If you catch me at a bad time and I happen to snap at you, don't take it personally. I'm excited about moving, don't get me wrong, but at the same time--I am SOOO going to miss everyone here and the place where I live. I've got so much stuff to do in the next couple of days, it's insane. Well, somewhat....Sunday it is, 6:10 in the morning and then it's good bye Bend and hello Bozeman and frost bite. Everyone has definitely got to keep in touch and I'll try to do the same. Well, I've got to get going, much to do....
~I'll miss you, I'll miss my girl, just promise me you wont stay away forever...."

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