Friday, December 5, 2008

One thing down, a few million to go.....

Alright, so life has improved slightly--or the outlook anyway. Though I did wake up with a booming headache because I was dehydrated. So, that was fun. Mom woke me up at 6 telling me she thought I should drive some more. It took a bit to get out of bed, but then I had to wake Leah up so she could go with me. We had to go to Julie and Rachel's house to get her license (we had to break into our car) which was actually quite amusing at that time in the morning. I drove around for about an hour and then took mom to work and drove around some more. Though I did find time to practice the piano sometime this morning. Trying to get ready for the recital, which I'm going to be really nervous about once it roles around. We went to the DMV and I sat in the car for about 15 minutes waiting for the guy that was going driving with me. Good time to get myself calmed down for the most part. The drive went fast and yes I passed it this time!!! Thank-goodness! Now all I have to worry about is getting the app. from Shawna. Drove around for about 2-3 hours, got lost on back roads and went to the Maricles--though I'm pretty sure they were busy at the time. Heidi was teaching piano lessons and I'm not sure what the guys were doing. Ha! I didn't even get to see your new laptop! Ah well....I've kind of been in a strange mood all day. I blame the headache! So, there is my eventful thing for the day, now everyone can get off my back about it--phew*.
~Sometimes words fail....."


The Oilsgal said...

congratulations on getting your liscence! That is so awesome! Hey I really like how you have quotes or little sayings at the end of your posts.

Lizzie said...

congrat!! u did it