Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don't jump now, the worst is yet to come, haha

Tonight I don't really feel like writing, but I'll try to make it through this one. So, I have no idea where I left off. I went to class yesterday and did something else I can't remember. It must have been exciting.....oh, though I did have fun in my gym class. We had these harness things attached to bungee cords and one person would be holding onto the cords restraining the person in the harness as they ran/walked/lunged (sp?). Ha, the lady I was with didn't hold on good enough the first time, so it snapped my butt. That stung, but it was pretty funny to see her expression. Lol, I'm such a tard. Anyway, my brain is kind of spinning tonight. I've got 3 classes tomorrow, a test in one, and then on Friday--ugh that is going to be busy! I have a class at nine, then I work from 10-1:00, but have to get out early to go to this extra credit thing that last from 1-2 hours (not sure), then there is that sing and there was something else I wanted to do as well! Oy, I'm going to be glad when I get my test out of the way. I wanna take a shower!! But I have to study for my test :-(. Alright, I had this whole "deep thinking" thing, lol--but there is no time, so I might post tomorrow. NIGHT!
~Things are as bad as they could possibly get....I stand corrected..." (though really life isn't bad, it's just hectic)


Lizzie said...

toally know that one lauren.. good luck on your test..:)

Franklin said...