Tuesday, November 4, 2008

'Ello, all you non sleep deprived people......

Ha, for those of you who read about yesterday, I was not trying to flirt with that older guy and he was flirting with mom and Leah mostly....I tried to stay out of it. Though good grief he was sure having a good time. Anyway, I am exhausted and waiting for mom to get off work. Spent three hours upstairs shifting books after going to my "bootcamp" class (basically an aerobics class for the we men, ha) and my sociology class. Oh what fun. Leah got to stay home today and I think she dropped her Writing 121/122 class, so she no longer has to bug me about it. Ugh, this is what I get when I wake up at 4:30 to talk to someone (technically they called me and sure I didn't have to answer, but why be rude? lol, yeah that makes sense, when they were the ones calling me at that time....). Anywho, as for anything else that pops into mind--I got nada.
~You're a greenhorn, you'll get killed out here!...."

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