Sunday, November 9, 2008

A new day.....?

Dang, where did I leave off? Yesterday we went down to the Old Mill district instead of on the hike that we were so fervently bent on going. Walked around the shops and then came back home. We had Larea over (so she went with us) and then she did her homework for accounting, while the rest of us sat around doing random things. I went to bed pretty early so I wasn't bored. This morning I got up and talked to mom a bit before meeting and we're thinking maybe we'll just leave dad and Leah at home and go on a vacation, ha, sounds good to me. Neither of them want to go anywhere, so....I didn't really feel that great this morning (felt a bit sick) but I went to meeting anyway and everything just seemed to hit me there. But it was good to go. Afterward I talked to Rich and that was nice. We then went out to Chan's and then got home and took naps. Seems like the thing to do on Sundays. The day of rest right?? Leah went to meeting this afternoon and yeah. Now we have a house full of people and I am briefly hiding out in my room along with the cats who are scared to death of little kids, ha. Tuesday we have no school or work and I am thrilled!!! I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, but that is the way it goes. Who the heck just walked through our door....I gotta go see. Ha it's Phillis our long lost friend. ANYWAY, so I wish I could talk to one of my friends about some things....but it's a pretty close circle and I wouldn't want to shock anyone or....who knows what. Family will have to do. I think I like un-public journals just for the fact that no one reads it--so I will probably be writing in that one too, though who cares right? I think Larea will probably be spending the night again tonight, that will be fun. And yeah, my thoughts are really scattered tonight, got some collecting to do. I think I'll go hang out with the bums in the kitchen.
~When my heart is heavy burdened and I cannot understand, what I have no power over I will leave in Jesus hands..."

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

lauren remember that u can always call me and i want to be there for u and i don't get schoked that easy.. as u know lol ...:)